DevOps Engineer, part-time creator, and full-time dad.
I’m Jesús, a DevOps engineer passionate about infrastructure and problem-solving. I live in Colombia, where I work as a DevOps engineer full-time and spend my free time creating and building new things.
A comprehensive guide on how to build a browser extension to capture tweets as you scroll on Twitter, and how to set up a FastAPI server with SQLAlchemy models to store the data. Learn how to implement each component step by step.
A step-by-step guide to extracting tweets for free using Python and the Twikit module. Learn how to authenticate, search for tweets, and save data for analysis without paying for the Twitter API.
A comprehensive guide to building Node.js from source, covering everything from cloning the repository to configuring and compiling the project. Whether you’re contributing to Node.js or curious about how it works under the hood, this tutorial will walk you through the process step-by-step.